Wir hatten eine recht komplizierte Rückreise gewählt, in die noch der Besuch der Iguazu-Fälle eingebaut war, um am Ende ohne gewaltige Wartezeit in Panama den Rückflug mit der Lufthansa zu erreichen.
We had choosen quite a complicated flight chain, which included Iguazu. The task was to reach the Lufthansa flight from Panama City back to Frankfurt without any major waiting time.
Therefore you should know that there are two Airports in Iguazu. We arrived at the Argentinian side and departed from the Airport on the Brazilian side.
The next task was to find an airport, from which we could take a direct flight to Panama City at a reasonable time, because stoppovers always carry the risk of luggage getting stuck. This was Porto Alegre where you also find a nice hotel directly at the airport.
Porto Alegre hat einen kleinen Airport, während die großen Hubs ja nationale und internationale Flüge auf zwei Flughäfen aufteilen, die dann z.T. weit auseinander liegen. Kurzum - der Copa-Flug kam pünktlich an, und bis auf die Tatsache, dass wir in Panama noch einmal unsere Impfpässe auspacken mussten, um die Gelbfieber-Impfung nachzuweisen, verlief alles ohne Probleme. Wir sind also wohlbehalten am 10.09.2018 um 13:00 Uhr in Frankfurt gelandet.
Porto Alegre is a tiny little airport, while other big hubs have two Airports, one for national and one for international flights, which are located quite distant from each other. But the Copa-flight was in time and beside the required vaccination certificate (Yellow feaver) at the Panama border, everything worked fine. We reached Frankfurt September, 10th, 2018 at 1:00 pm.
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